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Adapted from Family Watch Dog
Here is a simple list of safety tips for you and your children to go over before the big night.
• Know your treaters’ route and accompany them while trick or treating.
• Take a flashlight, glow sticks or put reflective tape on your children’s costumes.
• Be sure costumes, shoes, and treat bags are safe.
• Remind kids not to enter strangers’ homes or cars. If they have a haunted house set up, you should go in with them.
• Set rules about not eating treats until kids get home. Be sure to inspect all treats before allowing kids to eat them. Candy that has been opened should be thrown away. Any homemade treats or fruit should be inspected closely, and if you do not know the people they came from, you should probably dispose of it. (This also gives you a great opportunity to “throw out” those “bad” butterfingers for yourself later.)
• Remember drivers have a hard time seeing people, especially at dusk and never cross the street from between parked cars.
• Make sure that fake knives, swords, and guns are made from cardboard or other flexible materials and have the safety orange on them to avoid accidental injury or worse, have them mistaken for the real thing!
• Make sure to have a plan for if you get separated from your child. Meet at a lighted corner, have them call you or one of our favorites, use a buddy (or sibling) system.
It is also important to ensure that your home is safe and accessible to trick-or-treaters. As adults there are some very simple things we can do to make the evening safe everyone.
• Turn on your porch light.
• Move lit jack-o-lanterns off the porch where kids get bunched up if they are trick-or-treating in groups.
• Remove objects from your yard that might present a hazard.
• Drive slowly all evening-you never know what creature may suddenly cross your path.
• Do not dispense home-made treats or fruits to children. Pennies are always a good substitute!
• Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police.
Here is a great site for further Halloween safety tips: http://kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/home/halloween.html
About Executive Touch Cleaning Services: Providing professional residential home cleaning services for more than 8 years in the McKinney community, Executive Touch Cleaning Services is designed to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with a clean home without having to lift a finger. We offer custom cleaning services exclusively to McKinney, Texas allowing us to meet your specific needs. With reliable, flexible, detailed, and affordable services, having a professionally cleaned home is a luxury that you deserve and can afford. Contact us today 972-342-2697.
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